#D7CX: I pledge that Sky will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released.
This is a center aligned, CSS-based (no tables), multi-column layout theme, with some configurable color options, and support for many core configurations and some popular contributed modules.
View the Sky theme demo site.
This Image Theme Sky for Your Site Drupal :
The 6-3 version is a huge upgrade, from the older version. If you are upgrading from a version of Sky that you've modified you will want to make a backup. Using a subtheme is highly recommended.
Special thanks to the developers of the Studio theme for coming up with a great way to structure theme files in Drupal 6 and sharing with the community.
Also, thanks to IcoJoy for allowing us to use their pretty One Bit icons in an open source theme.
Direct Download Theme Drupal Sky :
Download Themes Sky Drupal Release notes-
Recommended for 6.x
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Acquia Prosper is an advanced Drupal theme by TopNotchThemes, with a monochromatic look and clean lines. It is designed as an Ubercart e-commerce theme that is easy to customize, but is extremely flexible for any type of site.
This theme is a subtheme of the Fusion Core base theme. Positioning and block styles are controlled through Drupal's UI via the Skinr module, which is required if you want to actually use styles. These styles and theme settings give Acquia Prosper an unparalleled amount of flexibility and features. Learn more about Fusion. Ubercart features
This Image Acquia Prosper Themes Drupal :
If you are using the Ubercart e-commerce suite, this theme has a ton of enhanced features for your site!
* Custom product template and styling via a node-product.tpl.php file, which themes the product images, price, attributes, product info, and add to cart form * Hides list price and product info if empty or zero * A "simple comments" style which is ideal for user product reviews using the Fivestar module * Custom icon for your shopping cart
Link Direct Download File Themes Drupal Acquia Prosper : Download Themes Drupal Acquia PropserRelease notes - | Recommended for 6.x
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RootCandy is a 3 column theme focused on administration section.
* Supports node/add /edit pages * Re-colorable * Icons * Top navigation by role * Simple dashboard * 3 column fluid or fixed layouts * Rootcandy dark sub-theme * Icons in compact mode * Sliding region
To know more, read the documentation -> http://drupal.org/node/325933 UPDATING TO 1.4+ - make sure you clear the theme registry, and if you are using modified version with color wheel, then you have to: edit theme, set it to default color scheme, save, and create your color scheme again, and save. (eg. #630020: #navigation list-style-type has circles) If you have any ideas please fill in a feature request. If you like the root candy project, you can support it by buying the html+css template from http://admintemplates.co.uk Follow me on twitter. This Image Themes RootCandy for Thema Your Site Drupal :
For Direct Download File Themes Drupal RootCandy in this Link : Download Themes Drupal RootCandy Release notes | Recommended for 6.x
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Pixture Reloaded is a pure CSS port of the original Pixture theme. Pixture Reloaded is a colour-able theme and supports 1, 2 or 3 columns and can be either fixed width or fluid. Features:
* Colourable - includes 18 pre-configured colour schemes + you can customise our own * Drop menus built in - follow the simple instructions in the README for Superfish enabled menus * Supports most major features except for secondary menus * Well supported - if you need help just submit an issue and I'm here to help
This Image New Themes Drupal Pixture Reloaded :
Direct Link Download Themes Drupal Pixture Reloaded : Download Themes Pixture ReloadedRelease notes | Recommended for 6.x
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Zero Point is an advanced theme developed by Dr. Radut to be ideal for a wide range of sites. It contains the same kinds of features you'll find in our other Drupal themes, plus many more.
The theme validates XHTML 1.0 Strict / CSS 2, and it is cross-browser compatible; works perfect in Firefox, IE 6, IE 7, IE8, Safari, Opera and Google Chrome.
This Image Themes Themes Free Zero Point for Your Drupal Site :
Link Direct Download Themes Drupal Zero Point Download Themes Drupal Zero Point Release notes | Recommended for 6.x
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Fusion is a powerful base theme, with layout and style configuration options built in that you can control through Drupal's UI. It's based on a simplified 960px or fluid 12/16-column grid. It's designed to be used with the Skinr module, with numerous useful block styles included. This Image Themes Drupal Fusino :
Don't theme yourself into a corner. Our goal is to make Fusion the clear, simple, and supported option for creating advanced Drupal themes.
The Acquia Prosper theme by TopNotchThemes uses Fusion as its base theme.
* Your layout is completely taken care of with lots of regions and cross-browser compliant configuration of layout through the GUI -- set block width, alignment, and position with a few clicks! * Includes commented "starter" subtheme for easy CSS theming * Includes theme settings for fonts, page width, sidebar widths and layout, sub-styles, and developer options * Default block styles mean you don't have to re-code the same common features for menus, lists, footers, callout text, etc. * Also includes plenty of helper classes for easier theming
Download Release notes | Recommended for 6.x
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NEW: Port of this theme to the Fusion theme system with tons of new features is up in the 3.x branch! The Fusion base theme and Skinr (2.x dev [installation instructions] if you want to use the photo banner) are required for the 3.x version. This Image Themes Drupal Acquia Slate :
Acquia Slate is an advanced, dark, corporate Drupal theme developed by TopNotchThemes in partnership with Acquia for their commercially-supported Drupal distribution.
Photo featured in initial release has been kindly released under the GPL by Rodrigo. Features - 2.x * 1, 2 (either sidebar), or 3 column layout * 14 collapsible block regions * Custom front page layout with block/menu overlay and photo * Additional block regions on inner content pages Download For Link this Themes Drupal Acquia Slate : Download File Themes Drupal Acquia Slate· Release notes
| Recommended for 6.x
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Marinelli is a 3 column, tableless layout theme with a wide image banner and a "top-tabbed" primary-links system. Here you can try a live demo This Image Themes Drupal Marinelli : Sorry but 5x version is no longer supported I'm currently working on the 7x version which will include lots of new features and general improvements, so 6x development is currently stopped Features * Flexible 3 column system * Optional dropdown menu per Primary Links Just activate it in the theme settings page * rotating banners * css classes for core modules and better font managment: all sizes now are in em * better headings management for SEO * 4 seperate stylesheets (layout.css, graphics.css, typography.css, links.css) to speed up theme customization and maintenance * Css image preload with jQuery
3 Subthemes included * Gnifetti with both sidebars on the left * Giordani with content in the middle * Alagna marinelli with different typography and graphics
Link Download File Themes Drupal Marinelli : Download File Themes Drupal Marinelli· Release notes | Recommended for 6.x
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NEW: Port of this theme to the Fusion theme system with tons of new features is up in the 3.x-alpha! The Fusion base theme and Skinr are required for the 3.x version. This Image Themes Drupal Acquia Marina :
Acquia Marina is an advanced theme developed by TopNotchThemes in partnership with Acquia for their Drupal distribution. It contains the same kinds of features you'll find in our other Drupal themes. Features - 2.x
* 1, 2, or 3 column layout * Selectable fluid or fixed width layouts and font stacks * 15 collapsible block regions * Drop-down primary links menu * Includes icons for core and Views blocks * Cross-browser tested in IE6/7, Opera, Safari, and Firefox * Layered Photoshop PSD files now available! * Advanced theme settings to customize without coding (for the equivalent in 2.x, see our recommended modules)
Link Download Themes Drupal Acquia Marina :
Download File Themes Drupal Acquia Marina Release notes | Recommended for 6.x
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Zen is the ultimate starting theme for Drupal. If you are building your own standards-compliant theme, you will find it much easier to start with Zen than to start with Garland or Bluemarine. This theme has fantastic online documentation and tons of code comments for both the PHP (template.php) and HTML (page.tpl.php, node.tpl.php).
This Image Themes Drupal Zen :
This theme saved me at 2am. Three hours of messing with 1000+ lines of nasty Garland-adapted code later, I abandoned it and recoded the site as a Zen sub-theme in under an hour. Thank you, thank you, thank you. - Greg
The theme “Zen” turned out to be the public favorite and won the “Best Drupal Theme” title. - Award announcement for the Drupal Hall of Fame Award by Packt Publishing
You can see more testimonials in the online documentation.
The idea behind the Zen theme is to have a very flexible standards-compliant and semantically correct XHTML theme that can be highly modified through CSS and an enhanced version of Drupal’s template system.
Out of the box, Zen is clean and simple with either a one, two, or three column layout of fixed or liquid width. In addition, the HTML source order has content placed before sidebars or the navbar for increased accessibility and SEO.
The name is an homage to the CSS Zen Garden site where designers can redesign the page purely through the use of CSS.
For Download File Themes Drupal Zen : - Download File Themes Drupal Zen ·
| Recommended for 6.x | - Download File Themes Drupal Zen 5.x.· | Recommended for 5.x |
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Grassland will have a full Drupal 7 release on the day that Drupal 7 is released. "Grassland is a bloggers theme for those of you with your heart in an ecological place. It’s green and browns help your visitors feel welcome. Not for you a highly technical, cold or geeky theme. This is about being outside, being warm in the sun, and meeting your friends for a picnic in a field".
This Image Themes Drupal :
The theme was designed by Spectacu.la for Wordpress, ported to Drupal by ipwa This theme validates XHTML 1.0 Strict, CSS 2.1 & 3 and WCAG AAA Thanks to peterx for testing
For Link Download Themes Drupal Grassland : Download File Themes Drupal Grassland ·
| Recommended for 6.x | |
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Drupal Gardening is a XHTML & CSS based nice Drupal Theme. Valid XHTML and CSS. It was originally designed for Wordpress by EZwpthemes and ported to Drupal by Azri Design.
This Image Themes Drupal Gardening :
"Let these butterflies dancing first in your Drupal peach garden, then in your heart, for the beauty of spring!"
* Logo * Site name * Site slogan * Search form * Primary links * Comment user pictures * Sidebar, Content Top, Content Bottom, Footer
Download Version Link :
| 2009-Dec-18 | Download File Themes Drupal Gardering· | Recommended for 6.x | |
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Spotlight Module with Image from content in category.
JA News module version 1.3.1 come with JA Teline II. JA News Frontpage should be installed to used with this module. JA News Frontpage is a part of JA News packages (JA News + JA News frontpage = JA News 1.3 and released with JA Teline II). For Userguide, please visit http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11946
Rearrange frontpage contents (article choose to display on frontpage) of Joomla into Headline layouts like news portal. You can choose among 2 options layout JA News Frontpage is a part of JA News packages (JA News + JA News frontpage = JA News 1.3 and released with JA Teline II). For Userguide, please visit http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11946
This plugin will find all available section and categories in your Joomla site and create all menu items link to such section/categories. Once created, menus item will be set to publish status. You can delete or unpublish unnecessary menus. The menu will be recreated if you choose "Update Setting" = Yes and click SAVE/APPLY. Go to http://www.joomlart.com/forums/showthread.php?p=49647 for more information
or see demo on JA Teline Template Demo
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Website development business has mushroomed everywhere, starting from the simpler to the complex (Web Portal). Starting from the only text to provide just the menus and features using various media such as images, animations, to video. This was done to attract as many visitors to enjoy the information presented.
Birth of a software that can answer all these challenges triggered by the world community needs to design a website quickly, simple, but has the ability to powefull. One of the most popular software today is Joomla Open Source, where the software is very supportive of the need to build a web start from a simple design to the availability of multilingual and international facilities.
People no longer need to create a complex script and takes a long time just make a website. Enough with the Joomla!, Anyone can design a web portal quickly, impressive and "powerful".
book is organized based on the author's experience in providing training at several training institutions and has developed a web using Joomla!. The case study described in runut with mild language. Engineering multilingual facilities completely removed, started from the installation process, the addition of video player applications, random article, slide show, to the provision of multilingual needs.
Finally, this book may be practiced and can add insight, especially in a multilingual web portal design a dynamic, interactive, and impressive.
If there is a question? "Why incomplete article ?" Simpler answer: " please buy the book " (he he he).
Preface iii
Acknowledgments v
Chapter 1. Know Joomla 1 Download PDF (17 KB)
2 1.1 History
1.2. Advantages Joomla 4
Joomla 1.3 Benefits 6
Chapter 2. Installing the Web Server 13 Download PDF (100 KB)
2.1. Knowing Apache, PHP, and MySQL 13
2.2. Uniform Server Installation 15
2.3. Installing AppServ 19
Chapter 3. Creating Database and User 25 Download PDF (158 KB)
Chapter 4. 35 Installing Joomla 1.5.x Download PDF (531 KB)
Chapter 5. Know Extensions 43 Download PDF (95 KB)
5.1. Component 54
5.1.1. Know Component 55
5.1.2. Installing Component 59
5.1.3. Removing Component 53
5.1.4. Some Important Component 54
5.2. Module 65
5.2.1. Knowing Module 66
5.2.2. Installing Module 66
5.2.3. Set the Module Parameters 69
5.2.4. Some Important Module 73
5.3. Plugins / Mambots 75
5.2.1. Know Plugin 75
5.2.2. Installing Plugins 76
5.2.3. Adjust Parameters 78 Plugin
5.2.4. Some 81 Important Plugin
5.4. Template 81
5.3.1. Know Template 82
5.3.2. Installing a new Template 84
5.3.3. Changing the default template 87
Chapter 6. Preschool News 91 Download PDF (276KB)
6.1. Preschool Section 94
6.1.1. Deleting Section 94
6.1.2. Section 95 makes
6.2. Managing Category 104
6.2.1. Removing Category 104
6.2.2. Creating Category 108
6.3. Managing Article 112
6.2.1. Deleting Article 112
6.2.2. Article 115 makes
6.2.3. Modify Article 128 8
Chapter 7. Managing Menu 129 Download PDF (284 KB)
7.1. Managing menu item in Main Menu 130
7.1.1. Deleting a menu item in Main Menu 131
7.1.2. Make a menu item 133
7.2. Manage Users menu item in menu 147
7.3. Deleting a menu item that is not used 158
7.4. create a new Menu 149
Chapter 8 Making FrontPage Mini 155 Download PDF (190 KB)
8.1. Know 156 Mini Frontpage
8.2. Installing Mini Frontpage 157
8.3. Setting parameters 159 Mini Frontpage
8.4 duplicate 167 Mini Frontpage
8.5 Set Mini Frontpage position on the main page 172
Chapter 9 Adding Movie 175 Download PDF (184 KB)
9.1. Know Extensions 175 Video Player
9.2. Installing the Video Player 176
9.3 Uploading the new Movie 180
Movie Showing in the 9.4 main page 187
Chapter 10 Creating Scrolling Random Article 191 Download PDF (106 KB)
Know 10.1 Extensions 192 Random Article
Installing 10.2 Random Article 192
10.3 Parameters Set 194
Displaying Random Article 10.4 in the 200 main page
Chapter 11 Adding a Slide Show 203 Download PDF (152 KB)
11.1 Know Extensions 203 Slide Show
Installing 11.2 204 Slide Show
11.3 Parameters Set 206
11.4. View the Slide Show on the main page 213
Chapter 12. Multilingual (Multilingual) 217 Download PDF (181 KB)
Know 12.1 Multilingual extension 218
12.2. Installation Joom! Fish 218
12.3. Installation Indonesian 221
12.4. 222 Configuration Languages
12.5. 225 Translation
12.5.1. Translate Category 226
12.5.2. 229 Translate Content
12.5.3. Translate Menu 233
12.5.4. Translate Module 236
12.6. Displaying 239 Multilingual options
Chapter 13. Enhance your website viewing 243 Download PDF (369 KB)
13.1. 244 Modifying Templates
13.2 Changing the header image and logo 247
13.3 Modifying files template.css 258
13.3.1 Changing the image size and logo 258
13.3.2 Changing the main background color 262
Chapter 14. Upload to the Internet 263 Download PDF (655 KB)
14.1. File Mengkompress Joomla! 264
14.2. Exporting database 265
14.3. Transferring files to a web hosting (server) 273
14.4. Creating a database on the server 280
14.5. Importing a database of 285 local
14.6. Adjust configuration 288
14.7. Checking the results of 290
1. Some examples of websites that have been made by the author with Joomla
2. Some examples of an interactive website created with Joomla!
Some examples of images Supporting title="examples images" (DOWNLOAD)
Timex T5J031 Unisex Digital Fitness Heart Rate Monitor WatchTimex T5J031 Unisex Digital Fitness Heart Rate Monitor WatchTimex T5J031 Unisex Digital Fitness Heart Rate Monitor Watch
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Tulisan berikut didesikasikan bagi pengembang web yang menggunakan Joomla 1.5 yang ingin menghadirkan flash header. Banyak sudah pertanyaan di forum komunitas (kebetulan saya join di Komunitas Pengguna Joomla Indonesia - id-joomla), yang menanyakan bagaimana menampilkan flash header di web berbasis Joomla terbaru seri 1.5. Langsung menuju permasalahan dan solusi (so far so good for me) :
Pada dasarnya pemasangan flash animation di Joomla 1.5 series sama dengan di Joomla 1.0 series. Lalu kenapa masih belum bisa? Its OK, salah itu wajar, namanya juga belajar.
How to Cheat in Adobe Flash CS4: The art of design and animationPeralatan: 1. Joomla WebEditor, saya pakai JCE 1.5.0 Stable untuk Joomla 1.5 (baru aja download, sebelumnya pake JCE 1.5.0 RC jg bisa sih ) 2. Joomla 1.5.5 (latest Joomla 1.5 series) 3. Komputer (Operating System terserah ) 4. Localserver dengan XAMPP (bisa juga pake WAMPP dll, suka-suka dan selera deh) Caranya : 1. Install JCE terbaru (kalo belom ada, bisa download di situs resminya JCE , JCE Admin Component dan JCE Plugin for Joomla 1.5) 2. Pastikan bahwa parameter CleanUp HTML (dari JCE) adalah inactive (setting = No) 3. Insert New Module - pilih Custom Module 4. Sekarang anda berhadapan dengan tampilan JCE , pilih dan klik tombol Advanced Code Editor 5. Masukkan kode script flash
<object height="120" width="400" > <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="src" value="images/namaflash.swf" /> <embed height="120" width="400" src="/images/namaflash.swf" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed> </object> seperti biasa, sesuaikan lokasi tempat dimana file flash diletakkan, ukuran flash animation sesuai kebutuhan dan selera anda. 6. Lakukan setting parameter posisi modul (sesuaikan dengan template yang anda gunakan), 7. Jangan lupa di publish (kalo gak sampai kapanpun gak pernah tampil ... yee) ini screen shot contoh pemasangan flash di Joomla 1.5 series (posisi footer) Posisi modul, ukuran dan file flash silakan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan anda, para pengembang web, saya hanya Original Newbie yang menggunakan sarana web MOTW ini sebagai tempat penyaluran menulis.
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Gratisan Smart
Setting MyEnTunnel :
SSH Server : SSH Server :
SSH Port : 80 (ini sudah tetap) SSH Port : 8080
Username : anjing Username : internetuntuksemua
Pass : buduk Pass : free4u
Centang : - Reconnect on Failure
- Use Private Key
- Verbose Logging
- Enable Slow Polling
- Infinite Retry Attempts
- Enable Dyanamic SOCKS Port 80 (ini yang bisa diubah-ubah menjadi 20 dsb)
- Hide Port Connections
- Enable Compression
- Retry Delay 1
- Disable Notifications
Pilihan Port lainnya : 20, 443,554,3124,3127, 7999,8000,8088,8888 and 9201
Browser Settings :
yang diisi cuma SOCKS dengan localhost port 80
Dial Up Settings :
paling cocok untuk SMART (lalu ESIA)...
SMART username cdma pass cdma #777
ESIA username esia pass esia #777
Gratisan Smart (alternatif)
Gunakan proxy port 8080
username : cdma
password : cdma
dial : #777
smart pakai port 8080,80,8000.
Gratisan Smart (Alternatif)
Meski internet gratis esia sudah tidak jalan, namun bagi cdma user masih ada pilihan lain untuk bisa menggunakan akses internet Gratis. Salah satunya adalah internet gratis smart dengan menggunakan proxy Sebenernya, untuk bisa mendapat koneksi maksimal, kita ga perlu repot-repot, cukup memodifikasi sedikit dari trik internet gratis esia yg sudah pernah dibahas, bisa ngacir bebas hambatan.
Pertama, dial smart-mu
Kedua, buka PuTTY lalu set proxy pada tab proxy. lalu pada bagian ssh pilih tunnel dan masukkan source port sesuai keinginan dan centang “dynamic”nya.
ketiga, masukkan IP free ssh account yg telah di share sebelumnya pada bagian hostname, lalu masukkan port ssh nya dengan port 80.
keempat, jalankan ssh tunnel lewat PuTTY kemudian buka proxifier dan set socks proxy hasil dari ssh tunnel disana.
kelima, restart proxifier DAN SELAMAT MENIKMATI…!
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Most suites or programs of Microsoft Office 2007 allows user to evaluate the product. The trial version of 2007 Microsoft Office system can be installed by using a 25-character trial product key available from Microsoft while you download the free Office software, and you can use the Microsoft Office 2007 suite or program with full functionality for 60 days. You may have the Office 2007 CD and are able to install Office 2007 without entering product key. However, Office 2007 will work in reduced functionality mode, where it’s effectively just a viewer for Office documents. Beside, if you forget the trial product key, or don’t wish to register a Windows Live ID to get the trial key, here’s the trick to activate Office 2007, or more correctly, bypass the activation of Office 2007 60 days trial, and making the “trial” word disappear from the Office title at the top and suppress activation and trial expiry prompt. Note that to use Microsoft Office 2007 beyond 60 days trial period, you need to purchase a valid license for it, available from Amazon or most computer retail store. To use this hack to crack activation on Office 2007, you need to install Office 2007 without any serial number or product key. If you have installed Office 2007 with a product key or serial number, do the following to clean remove Office 2007 of product key:
- Close all Microsoft Office applications.
- Run Register Editor by clicking on Start -> Run, and then type “regedit” in the Open box and press Enter key.
- Navigate to the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration Note that inside the registry key, there should be another subkey that resembles the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration\{90120000-0030-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Registration\{91120000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE
- If there is more than one registry entries or subkeys that reference Microsoft 12.0 registration, open up each subkey, and then identify the product by the ProductName value data until you locate the subkey for the product which you want to remove the existing product license key.
For example: ProductName=Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007 ProductName=Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007
- Once found the correct registry subkey, delete the following values:
DigitalProductID ProductID
- Close Registry Editor.
Once Microsoft Office 2007 has been installed with no product key, proceed with the following steps:
- In Windows Explorer, brose to the following folder:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller\Proof.en\
- Right click on Proof.XML file, select “Open With…” in the right click menu.
- In the “Open With” window, select Notepad to be used to open the XML file. In Vista, if you can’t see the Notepad option, simply double click the “Other Programs” to unhide it.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the Proof.XML to locate the following lines:
</Feature> <Feature Id=”SetupXmlFiles” Cost=”1248″>
<OptionRef Id=”AlwaysInstalled”/> </Feature>
- Change the AlwaysInsalled to neverInstalled so that the line looks like following:
<OptionRef Id=”neverInstalled”/>
- Save the Proof.xml file. In Windows Vista, you may need to take ownership and grant full access permission to yourself before able to modify the file.
- You can now launch Microsoft Office 2007 application such as Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook and etc without prompting for activation.
As usual, as it’s a hack, and before you purchase a valid product key for it, you won’t be able to AND can’t access any updates or Microsoft Office Online.
Note: The hack may work for 60 days only. To make this hack fully working, try to delete additional file below, probably has to be deleted every two months: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA\opa12.dat Or, C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\OFFICE\DATA (for Windows 7 and Vista) Disclaimer: This article is for educational and informational purpose only.
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Siapa bilang di dunia ini tidak ada yang gratis, dalam dunia desain grafis pun demikian, jika ada OS Windows maka Linux merupakan alternatifnya, begitu halnya dengan GIMP yang merupakan alternatif dari Photoshop. Maksudnya adalah GIMP merupakan versi gratis dari Photoshop. Bagi teman - teman yang belum tahu apa itu gimp maka akan dijelaskan disini:
- Versi English About GIMP GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.
It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.
GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted. (gimp.org) - Versi Indonesia
GIMP ( GNU Image Manupulation Program ) merupakan program yang mirip dengan Adobe Photoshop dan gratis juga tentunya. Keuntungan belajar GIMP adalah selain gratis GIMP juga ada versi portable-nya. Jadi tinggal install di USB Flashdisk atau di harddisk external bisa dijalankan di komputer temen atau komputer kantor tanpa harus di install ( ukuran program setelah di install hanya 18-36MB ).
Tips!! Ada banyak yang gratis di internet, Anda Bisa mencari Software Freeware yang lain melalui bantuan Google Services... Keyword: Download Software Bagi teman - teman yang pengen coba Software ini: Services by ilmugrafis.com - GIMP for Windows: Your download should begin shortly. If you are experiencing problems with the download please use Download Now - Portable GIMP for Windows:
Download versi portable GIMP
Note: saya udah coba dan keren juga GIMP Salam (jo) Semoga bermanfaat...
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GIMP juga bisa digunakan untuk foto effek, kali ini kita akan membuat foto artis Hollywood yaitu Kirsten Dunst ini menjadi seperti foto dalam impian atau imajinasi...
1. Siapkan dulu gambar yang akan kamu edit, bisa fot Ce atau Co kamu... atau orang yang kamu sayangi Kalo mau edit foto artis cari aja di Google Services... KEYWORDNYA: Actress Wallpapers atau Actress Photos Atau pakai gambar yang disediakan ilmugrafis, Nah tuh kurang enak apa... banyak pilihan kan... [+] Klik gambar untuk Zoom
Kirsten Dunst - Cantik
Donwload gambar di ilmugrafis
2. Mari Melakukan Seleksi Sebetulnya ada banyak cara untuk menyeleksi suatu object, namun saat ini saya pakai cara yang menurut saya paling mudah... yaitu dengan Metode Quick Mask
Untuk mengaktifkan quick mask tinggal nge-klik toggle quick mask pada pojok kiri bawah window image atau dengan menggunakann shortcut ( Shift + Q ).
setelah Quick Mask diaktifkan gambar akan jadi merah seperti gambar di atas.
3. untuk memulai seleksi gunakan paintbrush tool atau tekan ( P )
pastikan warna foregroundnya putih
Lalu tinggal paintbrush gambar yang mau diseleksi, kalo ada kesalahan tinggal balikin ajah warnanya, foregroundnya menjadi warna item trus paintbrush lagi untuk koreksi…
shortcut penting di GIMP: [ = untuk memperkecil ukuran brush
] = untuk memperbesar ukuran brush + = untuk zoom in - = untuk zoom out
hasilnya akan seperti dibawah… jangan lupa untuk zoom in untuk detail-detail yang kecil
Seleksi pada Image
Setelah selesai menyeleksi tinggal matikan lagi toggle quickmasknya yang ada di pojok kiri bawah tadi atau tekan Shift + Q, maka otomatis akan menjadi selection. dan apabila pengen koreksi lagi yang tinggal aktifin lagi deh… Setelah mematikan Quick Mask hasilnya:
Untuk lebih mengekspresikan bentuk lekuk- lekuk tubuh ( hehehe... kayak apa aja... ) lakukan ini:
Select -> Feather… trus masukkan nilai 18 pixel
Penyelesaian dan penambahan EFEK Lakukan Invert - Hal ini untuk membalik seleksi Select -> Invert ( Ctrl + I )
lalu Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur dan atur seperti ini
Hasil Akhirnya:
Oh... Kisrten Dunst, Gadis Impianku... (^_*)
Would you marry me? hehehe,,, Kebanyakan ngayal nih...
Ada banyak yang gratis di internet, Anda Bisa mencari Software Freeware yang lain melalui bantuan Google Services... Keyword: Download Software
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Ada banyak cara untuk membuat tampak bangunan 3 Demensi dalam Program Autocad, saya kan menjelaskan bagaimana cara membuat “View” yang baik dan benar…. Sudut pandang ini menggunakan Perintah : CAMERA
1. Siapkan gambar 3D yang akan di ambil Sudut Pandangnya. Contoh :
2. Setelah itu, ketik perintah “PLAN” klick space 2x, untuk mengambil pandangan tampak Atas. Kemudian ketik perintah “CAMERA” -> klik ENTER setelah itu… muncul Keterangan : Specify new camera position <12.9878,41.5739,92.1964>: (tulis “.xy”) -> klick “ENTER” 3. Setelah itu, muncul keterangan sebagai berikut : Of (mengambil posisi camera) Contoh:
Misal Klick di yang bertanda Lingkaran tersebut 4. Setelah itu, muncul keterangan sebagai berikut : (Need Z): (Tinggi camera misal klick setinggi orang dewasa “175”) -> klick “ENTER” 5. Setelah itu, kembali muncul keterangan sebagai berikut : Specify new camera target <22.3148,40.3498,0.0000>: (tulis “.xy”) -> klick “ENTER 6. Setelah itu, muncul keterangan sebagai berikut : Of (mengambil posisi sudut pandang camera)
Misal Klick di yang bertanda Lingkaran tersebut 7. Setelah itu, muncul keterangan sebagai berikut : (Need Z): (Tinggi sudut pandang, misal klick setinggi orang dewasa “175”) -> klick “ENTER” 8. Setelah itu gambar muncul seperti ini
Catatan!!Jangan di gerak gerak 3D ter -sebut. 9. selanjutnya klic
Atur sebaik mungkin menggunakan mouse hingga menyerupai gambar dibawah ini:
Semoga bermanfaat...
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